Reading your Bible for today March 29

March 29: Matthew 7:7-12

Key Verse: Matthew 7:11
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

As we recover from the things we have been up to over the Easter break, we can all think back on one thing – the fact Jesus gave it all, willingly, because of His love for us. As we do think back, we begin to get a feel of just how much He did actually love us. We will never be able to fully comprehend His true love for us, but we start to get the picture. Then we find that in His early years of preaching, He told us of His love for us at a time when we would not understand just how much it meant.

He tries to give us the picture by showing us an example. If our children (think of your best friend or even parents if you don't have children) were to ask us for a slice of bread, or sandwich, would we give them a stone instead? Not likely! We would give them something nice to eat. If we had the where-with-all, we would probably give them something more special that a simple piece of bread – because we love them. We want to be able to give what we can to the people we love. Not to do anything else other than to show them we do care.

That is exactly what Jesus did for us on that day at Calvary! He gave us something so special, because of His amazing love for us. But, even before that, He told us all we have to do is to ask. We don't have to beg, we don't have to justify any choice, we just have to ask... If we are able to provide something special for the people we love, then imagine what else the Lord can supply for us! He has the power to do anything, at any time... all we need do is to ask...

Why do we have to ask? If we are going to sit back and expect everything to come to us, then we are taking His love for granted. But if we are going to ask for things, then we are going to be thinking about what we are asking for, thinking about His love for us, and, hopefully, repenting of our sins at the same time!

Points to Ponder:
How many impossible things did you ask for as Christmas presents?

If you parents/friend/children can give you that, how much more can God give you


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