Reading your Bible for today March 3

March 3: Haggai 1:5-9

KJV Key Verse: Haggai 1:7
7 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider* your ways.

Let's do a bit of role playing? Let’s say you are the ruler of a third world country which has been running along fine for many years. Suddenly a big bully nation decides they are going to make your life difficult and try to force you into a tight spot so you have to give in to their way of thinking – basically giving them control of your country. You know there is a bigger force out there which will support you, but you have never asked for any help, and when they did offer it many years ago, you turned them down saying you did not want to be controlled by any large country.

Right now, you are in a tight spot! Do you keep quiet and let the bully nation carry on to ruin your country? Or do you turn round to the other nation and ask them for a bit of help? Bit of a no brainer! You ask for help! Many of you would have added the proviso that the other nation does not interfere in your country after they have helped you out.

We live in a world where we are surrounded by 'bullies', by people wanting to mould our lives into their own ways so we depend of them for everything. They do that for personal gain, mostly by entrapment. 

God has given each one of us the choice. The choice to consider our ways and to follow the way of truth. He does not want us to depend on anything on this planet for our lives. He does not want us to depend on anyone else for our lives. He just wants us to depend on Him. Like a father or mother wants their children to depend on them, He wants us to turn back to Him. If we do want any kind of help and protection, there is only one whom we should turn to and that is God.

Points to Ponder:
Do you just wait for help from friends or ask for help?

Are you actually asking God for help or just waiting?


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