Reading your Bible for today March 31

March 31: Matthew 22:34-40

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 22:37
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Have you ever wondered what Jesus would like you to do? Have you ever wondered what you should be doing to please God? Well, the answer was succinctly given in these few words which Jesus said.

Going by the “golden rule” that we should do unto others as they would do unto us, we find what Jesus has already recommended! God has showed us how much He loves us by giving us the world and everything that goes in it. He has given us His Word. He has given us instructions. He has given us direction. He has given us His Only Son. He has given all of this out of His love for us.

Jesus has shown us His love by going to the cross willingly. By coming to give us instruction. By healing the sick, the wounded and the dead. He has shown us His extraordinary love even though He knew many people would not respond positively and many would reject Him. He knew that people were going to reject Him, yet He still gave His life willingly. What is expected in return? God has shown us what He expects, by showing us so much of His love; He wants us to love Him too.

If we are going to love Him, then we should be doing what He wants us to do. He does not just want us to be friends, but to love Him with our whole body and soul, the way He loves us! God knows that if we are wise enough to read His word, we will learn to believe. As we learn to believe, we will begin to do His commandments. We will start to act on His words. Our Lord knows that by showing us His love, He was able to encourage us to get to know Him and to believe. He knows if we are able to act on His love, others will begin to see His love. When they see His love, they will want to know more of His word. God knows that through this, “all the law and the prophets” are covered.

Points to Ponder:
What has God done for you in your life?

What have you done for God in your life?


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