Reading your Bible for today March 5

March 5: Isaiah 52:7-12

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 52:12
12 For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward .

Every time I think of the things which get me down in this life, I look at what I have in store when this life ends. I look up to the wonders in heaven, the amazing life I will be able to live with Christ in heaven. We have people around us telling us that we should be looking forward in our lives, and not worrying about what has gone on in the past. These same people want us to put Christianity behind us and to go along with their “new age” beliefs where they care more for themselves than anything or anyone around.

The one thing which worries me when I start to try and figure out where they are headed is the fact they are not looking forward to any life after death! They have nothing to look forward to. They have no God to care for them. They are headed for a dead end.

When I look back in the Bible and see just how much God has done for His people, look forward to the wonders that await me in heaven! I just cannot see how anyone cannot believe in the Bible after they have read it, or how they cannot believe God exists and is our protector and our guide.

This promise, written in Isaiah, tells us how much God cares for us. He encourages us to go forward in our lives, but not in haste. When we blunder on forward in haste, we do not give time to God to listen to His will in our lives. When we go forward carefully, reading our Bibles and listening to what He wants us to do in our lives, we will find He is going out in front of us to straighten our paths for us. Not only that, but He is going to be our rear guard as well. He is going to protect us from all sides, leading us to a wonderful place by His side.

Points to Ponder:
Do your friend always stick by your side?

Do you ask God for all round protection?


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