Reading your Bible for today March 6

March 6: Psalm 77:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 77:14
14 Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

I wonder, have you ever got to the point where you have thought God has been ignoring you? Have you ever felt like God has given you a bit more than you can cope with? Whilst we do sometimes think we are at the end of our tether, God has promised us we shall never be given more than we can cope with. He will continue to forever keep that promise with us. It does not mean we are never going to have things happen to us which we do not like – far from it. But what it does mean is we do not ever have to feel like that.

God wants us to give our worries back to Him so we can rest in His peace. He wants us to understand that we have Him by our sides all the time. He wants us to understand there is nothing He cannot do. If we are going to have to go through a bit of hardship to realise that, then so be it.

Most of the time we tend to think of “me, myself, I” and not of those around us. We tend to live in a world where we focus on ourselves and ignore those around. We may tell others it is “nothing personal”, but that is exactly what it is. We are focused on what God is doing in our lives and not what He is trying to do for all around us!

If we were to be honest with ourselves and with God, then we would be able to see just how much He does do for all of us. He may not be doing something personal for you – or at least that is what you think... But if we were to take note of what He is doing for those around us, we begin to realise He is answering our prayers too – being very personal with us. God is a personal God. But He is also a very public God. He takes care of all of His children, not just me!

Points to Ponder:
How many arguments are because others do not do what you want them to?

Is there anything God cannot answer in a perfect way?


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