Who Will Go? 

by Billy Graham, from Wisdom for Each Day

How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? — Romans 10:14

The risen Christ commands His followers to

go into all the world and preach the good news. — Mark 16:15

God doesn’t promise that obedience will be easy or glamorous or romantic. Oh, I know it’s exciting to get on a plane and travel to another land. And perhaps while we’re flying God will fill us with His Spirit so that when we reach our destination, we will be prepared to serve Him. But if we are not winning people to Christ here, if we are not witnessing here, if we are not serving Christ here, God can’t use us there.

We must be faithful here first.

God is calling us to consider His call and wrestle in prayer over the mission He has for us in life. Will you go into the world for Him? There are a thousand things you can do with your life, a thousand ways you can spend it — but how many of them will enable you to have no regrets at the end? Obedience to Jesus is the only path of no regrets.

Not all of us are called to the mission field overseas. But, all of us have a mission field right in front of us, in our neighborhood, community, city, school, work, gym, grocery store, etc. Today is a great day to step out in boldness and share your faith right where you are! Where can you shine the light of Jesus today?


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