Reading your Bible for today April 14

April 14: 1 Timothy 4:6-11

KJV Key Verse: 1 Timothy 4:6
6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained .

Being able to remember stuff after reading it has never been one of my strong points – or at least that is what I thought! The more I have read and studied the Bible, the more I have realised that I did not remember much of the stuff in school because I just did not want to know about it! But the more I read the Bible, the more I want to learn, the more I can remember and the more enjoyment I get out of it!

The more I learn about God's Word, the more I want to share it with others. The more I learn, the more fascinating I find it. The more I find out about God's Word, the more I remember it and the more I can then apply it in my life. The more that I do in God’s will, the more I want to do! God wants us to know about His Word so we will be able to use that knowledge in understanding how to behave and to actually get to use it too. The profitability of knowing what God wants us to do, allows us to understand what is wrong with our lives and others’ lives and allows us to be able to help other people by encouraging them to do the right things too.

Jesus promised us He will be coming back for us. He has promised us He has paid for our sin debt, but until such a time as we realise just what it is that we are doing wrong, we will not be able to ask Him to forgive us for those wrongs! It's only by reading about it we will find out just how much God loves us even though we do so many things wrong!

If we want to show God just how much we love Him, then we should be finding out how much He has done for us; how much He is doing for us; and how much He has promised for us. When we show God openly how much we love Him, the more other people will allow see how much love there is in our relationship and that will encourage them to find out how much God loves them too...

Points to Ponder:
Does anyone love you enough to give you the last item they own?

God love you so much He gave you His son!


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