Reading your Bible for today April 2

April 2: Mark 4:26-29

KJV Key Verse: Mark 4:27
27 And should sleep , and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up , he knoweth not how.

Have you ever marvelled at how the plants are able to grow at the right times, at how they don't come out too early when there is cold and frost ahead, but bloom when the sun is out to stay! Scientists would have you believe they understand how this is so, but none would wish to predict the weather from this – because there is an unknown within their predictions. That same unknown which seems to allow animals to flee from the scene of disaster before it happens.

We may understand how the plants and animals grow. We may understand what they need to be able to grow at their best. We may even be able to control their growth to some extent. But what we don't know is what we should be marvelling at. God's work is behind so much in our lives, and yet we choose to forget Him from our lives. He controls everything in such perfect harmony, and yet we do not thank Him enough. He has promised to be faithful, and yet our faith waivers all the time.

It has been aptly put into words by Jesus when preaching to the multitude by the sea side. We cast the seed into the ground and we sit back and watch. We expect it to grow because that is what we have been told will happen. We may not understand the mechanics of the science within the cells which allows the growth and division of the cells, but we can see this happen. We plant, and they grow... because God has promised that will happen! But don't be complacent, because He has also promised there will be hard times as well!

We don't need to understand how God's Word grows inside people. We don't need to know what makes the germination of those first seeds start. We don't need to know God's Work. What we do need to know is that without the seed, nothing will happen. Without the care, that plant may yet die. Without the nurturing, that plant will never be strong. Don't stand by and wait, plant a few seeds and marvel!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever been confused at how your friends minds work?

God knows exactly how it works, but wants your help to plant that seed!


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