Reading your Bible for today April 21

April 21: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:25
25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

You do not have to look too far into some religions to find out what they are really about – be it about making a single person rich and famous, worshipping a statue, or even thinking they are just above any religion. Man has always been seeking some sort of meaning to life because of the relative brevity of it. But because of the way that we do think, we start to clutch at anything which looks good at the time. Then, before long, we find we are consumed by our own imaginations and are following something entirely made up in our heads!

That is where Christianity stands out from others. We have a set of historical documents which do record the history of people who have been following God from when He first created them. We have a complete history of the world and a record of things still to come. How anyone can say it is made up after studying the bible is beyond me. The Jews do not want to accept the fact Christ has already been and was crucified, died and rose again; even though it happened in their own country! The Greeks did not want to believe in any of this because they believed they were too clever to have to believe in anything.

That divide still remains in modern times, though we do not refer to all non-believers as particular races or people from particular places. These same people who profess to believe in something else rather than submitting to God's Wisdom are doing so because they think they are cleverer than God’s word – or at least that is what it boils down to in the end! But those same people are often the ones who become great preachers or teachers because of their faith in the unseen. Once they see the Wisdom of God standing out above everything, they then bow to that wisdom and study it because of their quest for knowledge themselves.

The foolishness of man has lead him to believe in whatever takes his fancy at the time. The “wisdom” of man more often leads him astray from the truth. Yet the foolishness of God covers even man's wildest imaginations. Man's strength falls short when he meets any disaster, yet God's weakness is greater than our combined strength!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know anyone who thinks they are “above religion”?

Christ knew we did and gave His life that we may see our folly.


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