Reading your Bible for today April 22

April 22: Luke 24:27-32

KJV Key Verse: Luke 24:31
31 And their eyes were opened , and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

How many times have you been confused by things because you did not know enough information? Maybe you are still confused by the English soccer offside rule (you're not the only one!) or maybe you are still confused about your lesson you last had the last time you went to school or church. When we find ourselves confused about things, that is the time we need some sort of advice from something or someone who will allow us to understand the situation! But finding such advice can be a bit hit-and-miss. Maybe you will find someone who will explain it in about 10 words and those 10 words confuse you even more than the original! Just because they know what they are talking about, does not mean that you will understand it!

As these two men were walking with Jesus (remember, they were so down in the dumps they did not recognise who it was) they were trying to put things together to figure out what had just happened. They knew something special was supposed to happen, but they just could not understand how it could all end with Jesus being crucified! It was only after Jesus had gone through the Bible (called the scriptures back then) with them and had explained from the beginning that they realised what was happening. And then when Jesus broke the bread and blessed it, they suddenly filled all the gaps and they saw the big picture! The penny had dropped!

We may be able to read a little of the bible and think we understand things, but it is only through a whole lot more reading we will begin to understand exactly what is going on. We need to be able to study the bible to find out the “big picture”. We can listen to lessons and find interesting stories which we understand and can remember; but without the knowledge behind those stories, we often lose track of how they apply in our own lives.

Reading and studying the bible is the one sure way we can know we are finding out all what God wants us to know – because it is the inspired word of God. So stop putting it off and read a little every day so you too can put it together!

Points to Ponder:
Isn't it a great feeling when you suddenly understand something?

How often do you consult the Bible to see what it really means?


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