Reading your Bible for today April 24

April 24: 2 Timothy 3:1-7

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 3:1
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come

What I find most amazing about the Bible is that, despite being written by so many people, so many years ago, the inerrant accuracy still continues to baffle the world. Paul may well have written this letter to his son Timothy but the words held within are meant to be heard by everyone. The stark warning of times to come is meant to be known the world over.

Think how the world has changed, even over the last few years. Terrorism seems to be an accepted part of life now. Nobody seems to like it, but “perilous” describes life with terrorism. The description of men that follows fits so nicely into everyday life for many people nowadays. We can look back at black and white films and see how life was but a hundred years ago. We can then look at ourselves now and see the difference a century has made.

We may like to think we have advanced so much, but at what cost? What good is all that man has made for himself if he is indeed ignoring his soul? Verses 2, 3 and 4 describe just about every walk of life today. Verse 5 brings another warning – they may well look the same as everyone else, they may well look like Christians, they may well talk about good things; but when they deny the power of God, then they should not be followed. For they are building upon themselves. They are the ones saying they are equal with God. That, I find very scary!

The human brain has an amazing ability to learn and discover things. But when you start to let it loose in the wrong environment, then it will learn and discover from that environment. The more we allow our minds to be filled with the temptations which surround us, the more we will learn about them and the more we will be willing to accept them. Whilst we should know about our adversaries, we do not have to live like them and allow their lives to overcome us as well! The only truth we have to learn from is God's Word.

Points to Ponder:
Does the world frighten you today?

God's Son overcame our sin. We are no longer indebted to it...


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