Reading your Bible for today April 25

April 25: Proverbs 13:16-18

Key Verse: Proverbs 13:16
Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool lays open his folly.

With the amount of sayings and proverbs we have about accepting a bit of sound advice and being a bit cautious in life, you would think we would all be on a successful path by now! It is only man's own folly that stops him from accepting knowledge from others. After all, how can anyone be as intelligent as us!

Far too often in life we think our own way is always best and we try to enforce our way on others. We also disregard advice many a time because we think we are above that advice. But if we were to have a little thought about why we have been offered that advice before we discounted it, just maybe we would understand why we have been offered the advice. Maybe we are right, but maybe we are not doing what is best in the best possible way...

We should consider what we are told; but the last thing we need to do is to blindly follow everyone's advice without thinking. Unfortunately, we do have many a person out there who is bent on causing destruction in others’ lives. To those who insist on wrecking others’ lives, there is but one outcome... And I would not like to be in their shoes when they face their 'final outcome'! They may well not have to wait until they meet God before they find out that some people do not like being upset!

Have you ever told someone a lie? Has that lie stayed with you? How often do you think about that lie? Notice how you yourself feel bad about the lie and how it plays on your mind – probably more than on the other person or people who were affected by it. Any foolishness we try to impart on others will lead to our own feelings and health being affected! But by going out and telling others the truth we feel much better knowing we have told them the truth! As long as we are not so proud that we cannot accept any sort of advice in our lives, we will continue to learn from those around us. We will continue to expand our understanding of others and of God's Word. God's Word is full of advice – refusing that is not wise!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you turn down advice without thinking?

When was the last time you sat down and discussed something with God?


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