Reading your Bible for today April 27

April 27: Matthew 18:6-9

Key Verse: Matthew 18:7
Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!

I could say it is almost guaranteed you will offend someone sometime in the next week. Whilst that may sound harsh, it is also true. If you believe in God and say so, you probably will offend someone. If you take your dog for a walk, you may well offend someone. Being a though there are so many ways in which we can offend others, it is impossible to tread lightly enough to not do so.

But, having said that, it is not a good idea to blunder on through life not caring about what you do to others. It is like living out the “bull in a china shop” saying. If you insist on doing things your own way without regard to other, you will surely step on their feet as soon as you walk out or in the door!

On the other side of the coin, you are going to be offended today! No too pleasant a thought, but probably true as well. Be it the news, politicians, people in the street, or even your friends; someone is going to offend you. How should we handle it? Well, the best way is to put yourself in their shoes? What would you do if you had just done what they had just done to you? They may well register the fact they have offended and apologise – in which case, take it on the chin. If they do it again and apologise again – on the chin again. God wants us to show others it is ok to make mistakes but we also need to recognise them too. The more we can show others genuine mistakes are acceptable (though not liked) the more willing people will be to admit to their own shortcomings.

But note also Christ says there will be repercussions for those who do offend others. What He says is it will be better to have a millstone round your neck underwater than to have to face the consequences of offending Christians. When you do offend someone, you often carry the guilt or shame with you for a while. That guilt may well seem like a millstone round your neck after a while. The only way to get rid of it is going to be by being sorry for what you have done and to apologise!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you offend your parents?

If you think you don't have the grace to be able to apologise – ask God for help.


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