Reading your Bible for today April 28

April 28: Luke 11:24-28

KJV Key Verse: Luke 11:28
28 But he said , Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

One of the easiest things to do is to “go back to your old ways”. When you get used to doing things one way or another, you find it easy to continue to do things in the same way. But when you then become a Christian and find you were not acting in accordance with God's laws, keeping those laws becomes hard. Every time you try to keep things going as they should, even more distractions and temptations come along and you see just how easy it would be to go back to your old ways.

We should never lose sight of our enemy while we are still at war. Losing sight of them then gives them a free hand to do whatever they would like without us knowing about it. But keeping an eye on them gives us the advantage of being able to spot what they are up to and avoid that situation. Avoiding any conflict with them is mostly going to be a lot easier path than trying to beat them. Fighting our enemy the devil alone is something we cannot do without God’s help. We may think we have cleaned up our act and even made a better place for the Holy Spirit to reside in... but as soon as we let the evil one back into our lives we find we are subdued with him and his friends, leaving no place for God to work in our lives.

If you were to have an open party in your house – things would probably go along fine as long as you had just your friends, but as soon as people off the street heard about it and started coming in, things may well begin to get unpleasant as they took over the party. That same picture can be used when looking at our Christian lives. As long as we continue to have our private party with God and the Christians we want we will continue to enjoy it. But if we are allowing evil things into our lives, then those same evil things will invite even more evil until we are at a stage where the evil is overcoming the good, just because we are letting it!

Keeping God's Word is difficult. Inviting “harmless fun” (or at least what we think is harmless) can open the flood gates if we are not very careful.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you allow ungodly things into your life?

Christ knows the power of Satan. That is why He constantly warns us of him...


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