Reading your Bible for today April 3

April 3: Amos 2:9-12

KJV Key Verse: Amos 2:12
12 But ye gave the Nazarites wine to drink ; and commanded the prophets, saying , Prophesy not.

As I was watching one of the programs on TV this weekend, I was dismayed to see the trend in churches in this country. It was some years ago that I was saved after going to a church that showed me that we can and must have a personal relationship with God, but like so many before me (including all of Israel it seems) I wandered off from God to do my own thing. After watching the program on TV, I had the distinct impression this is exactly what many churches seem to be doing now – wandering off and doing their own thing.

When the Children of Israel were wandering through the desert, they were faced with many dangers and were taught to have faith in God by example. But, the human spirit took over and they began to try their own things because they seemed to think God needed a change! So when we look back and think we need to change things because “God needs to keep up with the times”, we are doing exactly what they did thousands of years ago! We take it upon ourselves to change the way that we worship, or change the things that we do before Him. We try to make things an exercise of enjoyment rather than a time when we can simply worship Him.

If we want to continue our relationship with God, then we have to make sure that we do what He would have us to do. We have to make sure that we listen to His will. We cannot expect that we can do what He is capable of – for that is exactly what we intimate when we change His rules. We are not capable of doing any miracle whatsoever, never mind feeding a whole country in the middle of the desert for 40 years! We are not capable of one thing unless we are allowed to by Him.

Through His grace He has given us the ability to do things. Through His grace He has allowed us to live. Through His grace He has given us free will. By example, He has shown us who He is, what He can do, how we should act, and that He is the only true living God. We need to show Him by example that we love Him, respect Him, Worship Him and adore Him for all that He is and has done for us.

Points to Ponder:
Why do you go to the church you go to?

Will you obey God’s will in your life?


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