Reading your Bible for today April 30

April 30: Isaiah 55:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 55:1
1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy , and eat ; yea, come , buy wine and milk without money and without price.

When God is going to do something, He gives us plenty of warning. We may not think so, but all we have to do is to look back at scripture and read. His faithful servants have recorded His will and His word for many years and we now have all of it gathered together in one book we call the Holy Bible. Why has He done this – so we all can have the same chance of making the same decision; to accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

Note how He invites everyone. Not just with a simple welcome, but an exclamation like a town crier standing in the square shouting it out. He invites everyone who “thirsteth”. In other words, we have to want something first. We have to want to follow Him because we know we have something missing in our lives! It does not matter what social standing we are from. It does not matter if we are rich or poor. It does not matter if we are brash or hermits. Christ has given us all that same invitation to receive His Word and His Salvation.

He reminds us the things we surround ourselves with which we assume are necessities, are not. They are in vain when compared to what Christ can give us. All we have to do is to listen to His Word. Listen to His will. Eat what He gives us as food. Drink what He gives us. For there is no better food than what is supplied by God. We may well need normal bread and water to survive as humans, but to live beyond this life, we need to know of His Word. We need to know Him personally.

To do this we should be coming to learn about Him as often as we can. We can only learn a certain amount by reading ourselves, but a whole new world of His is opened to us when we come to listen to the Gospel expounded by His priests. He has chosen certain people to learn more about His Word so they can explain it to the rest of us – just when we need it most. Turning down such an invitation can only be foolish!

Points to Ponder:
Do you still think there is something missing in your life?

How often to you make it out to listen to His Word explained in full?


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