Reading your Bible for today April 4

April 4: Proverbs 13:9-11

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 13:9
9 The light of the righteous rejoiceth : but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out .

You need not look too far to see that most contention is due to pride, vanity or greed. Most wars are due to someone not wanting to back down, or someone being too greedy. Most family feuds are down to a simple disagreement which has got out of hand. And the more people continue to fight, the less chance there will ever be peace.

Some may say a fighting spirit is required to be a good businessman. Some may say you will never be successful without having the spirit to stand up to others. But far too many people will take these two simple sayings and go 'over the edge'. Yes, you should be able to stand up for what is right, yes you should be able to stand up to anyone who is in the wrong – but no, these should not be the root of conflict. Part of being a Christian is finding that level at which you can operate successfully without standing on peoples toes all the time.

The more people are taught to succeed 'no matter what' the less they will be able to see the truth for what it is. The more people build up animosity within others, the less they will be able to show them what God would have us do. The more people rub others up the wrong way, the less friends they will have. And have you noticed that when a person like that leaves, be it through being taken away or even death, people will talk about it, but very soon forget about it too. Yet if a good person were to be taken, the news carries the story for a long time with people not wanting to forget.

As a Christian we have to be very wary about the traps Satan lays down for us – those that are steeped in pride and vanity. We are so easily taken in by them and so easily rise to the bait. But if we take one step back and allow God to guide us through the maze, we will not only get through, but get through before our torch battery runs out! We can be eternally thankful God has given us everything we need to be able to survive and to do it well. All we need do is to follow His guidance by continuing to read His word and to allow it to light up our lives – that light will never go out...

Points to Ponder:
How easily do you get drawn into a fight?

Why did Jesus only use the bible against Satan’s temptations?


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