Reading your Bible for today April 8
April 8: Acts 17:22-28
Key Verse: Acts 17:26
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
It's amazing how political correctness prevents us from doing the things which Paul was doing all the time. If we were to see an altar erected to “the unknown god” we would probably be forced to accept that altar and those people into society as religious people. Even though they are clearly and openly breaking the first commandment God set, governments would say we do not have the right to change their minds.
God has given us a wonderful planet to live on with so many variations and hidden treasures for us to find and enjoy. Why people cannot see that there is reason and order behind this wonderful creation, I don't know. What possesses people to dig for precious metal and then to form that metal into an object they can then bow down before, I don't know. What I do know is that it is easy to get caught up in things others are all doing. It is easy to be distracted away from Gods Will and to “enjoy a new experience”.
No matter where in the world we go, be it for business, pleasure or for learning, we will always be close to God. We do not have to give in and follow the will of the people we see or visit. We do not have to give in to the local 'gods' the people worship. We do not have to change our beliefs to fit in with them. God continues to be by our side and we should continue to walk with Him, taking each step in our lives by listening to what He has to say to us and following His example.
Being politically correct is all well and good to keep the peace, but if it is going to force you to change your beliefs in any way, then it is time to stand up and be counted as a Christian Soldier. Paul put it quite aptly; God does not live in buildings, He walks with us all the time. We are all potential Christians because God created us all to live and worship together – it is time people woke up to the truth!
Points to Ponder:
When you go on holiday, do you change into a different person?
Just because you may be away from home, does not mean you have to be away from God
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