Reading your Bible for today April 9

April 9. Act 10:1-2

Key Verse: Acts 10:2
a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always.

There are people in powerful positions all over the world who are devout Christians. People who are willing to keep God in the forefront of their lives; people who make sure that God comes first in their lives. When we become Christians, it does not mean we are going to have to give everything away, or that we are going to have to live as a pauper to show God we have given away everything that we had.

God wants us to take good care of the things in our lives which He has allowed us to have. God wants us to take absolute care of the human body He has given to us. God wants us to keep Him in the centre of our lives. That is, after all, the top of the commandments! (Exodus 20:2-3)

This is something difficult for us to do; to keep God in the centre of our lives, whilst we are still surrounded by the temptations of the world around us. But if you do keep Him where He wants to be held, then He is going to make sure that you are able to continue doing that. Not just that but He will continue to give us the patience, strength, grace and wisdom to allow His gospel to be heard in more places.

God does not want to be surrounded by people that love Him but don't want to live in the world. Yes, we are to love God above everything else, but we are to continue living in this world. Which means that we have to work within the confines of this world. How else are we to help the lost people in this world if we do not work within it?

Points to Ponder:
Do you put up with your friends smoking in your face?

Are you willing to make the first move to move God into the centre of your life?


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