Reading your Bible for today May 1

May 1: 1 Peter 1:13-16

KJV Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:16 
16 Because it is written , Be ye holy; for I am holy.

How many things in your life do you do “just because you do them”? How many things have become a habit and you just continue to do them? How many of those things are Christian related? It is disconcerting to look into your own life and to realise how many things you are doing just because that is what you do...

Christ has given us the instruction we should live our lives in as holy manner as we can – why, because He made us that way. We are the ones who have corrupted our own bodies with the things which we do, not just the physical like smoking or excessive consumption of anything, but spiritually by the consumption of things even when we are not thinking what we are doing...

It is easy to sit back and read a chapter without thinking. It is easy to read a devotion whilst thinking about the day ahead. It is easy to go to church and think about other things whilst the lesson is being preached. But God does not require we just simply read His Word and go to church. He wants us to do all of this in remembrance of Him. He wants us to think about why we are doing everything so we can realise just how much He has done for us already.

It only takes a single realisation for each of us to know that He is God. It only takes a small event for us to realise He is in control of our lives. So why do we then turn back to our old ways and think we have not been born again. When we accepted Christ to be our Saviour, we were born into a new life with Him. Living that life with Him should mean we do it according to how He wants us to live, not according to how we used to live. Christ wants us to leave our old ways behind us to and live our lives the way He designed us to live. Yes, it can be hard! We live in a corruptible world where we are surrounded by all manner of distractions and temptations. Rising above those is only possible when we enlist God's help. Keeping above them is only possible with His constant help – which means we need to live according to His Will so we can stay close to Him at all times.

Points to Ponder:
What habits do you have in your life?

How many of those habit distract you from your Christian life?


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