Reading your Bible for today 29

May 29 : Exodus 20:8-11

KJV Key Verse : Exodus 20:8 
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy . 

Devotion : 
One of the things which first struck me when I was learning about God's Word and learning about the history surrounding Christianity was the massive changes between historical life and modern life. You don't have to look too far back to see the changes in the church and the congregations. The size of the congregations is the most striking though! 

Only a few hundred years ago the English society was built on Biblical truths and society welcomed the church influence. But within the last few hundred years there has been so much corruption and degradation within the church, most people seem to frown upon going to church. The “Church of England” would stand up for what was right and be open to condemn the sin which was in the world. Now we have a society that is scared to openly talk the truth for fear of upsetting some person somewhere. 

From our earliest times, God has laid down the law concerning our life and worshipping. He gave us the ultimate example by resting on the seventh day of creation. He wanted to make sure we did the same. That we set aside that one day where we would not have to worry about all the things which we do during the rest of the week. He also set it aside as a day when we could draw closer to Him, to be able to put aside the everyday temptations we face and focus on Him. How else are we to strengthen our resolve unless we can turn our backs on the things which weaken us? 

By taking away the Sabbath day, society has closed the door on the one time when we can focus on Him. But what is this “society”? It is us. We cannot make excuses about it being everyone else. We are the people who make up our world. We are the people who are here and now. Unless we are willing to stand up and be counted for the Lord, then we are just going to be encompassed in the crowd which is nonchalant towards Christianity. We will be no better than Peter by turning our backs on Christ when we have said we will not. 

Points to Ponder : 
How often do you turn your back on your friends? 

How often do you turn your back on God?


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