Reading your Bible for today May 11

May 11: Luke 9:51-56 

KJV Key Verse: Luke 9:56
56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.

One of the good things about giving time to God and reading His word is that He will show you things you had not thought of before. He will allow you to see things in a different light which will help you to move forward in your life. He will make sure you are constantly being educated as to how to live your life for Him!

How many times have you thought of the disciples as being men who were convicted of God and who wanted to do things just the way Jesus would do them – to be able to show everyone just how good and loving they could be... Well, these few verses certainly show us they were as “human” as you or I. When they were faced by people who were turning them away for no good reason, they were upset and wanted the town to be consumed with fire from above! They were really upset nobody would give them rest within the town!

What would you do if you were faced with that situation? Say you have been running a race – not quite a marathon because that's going overboard! - but a long race which required you take on water at stages through the race. As you came up to the stand where the water was, you were pushed away and the people there said this was reserved for their own people and nobody else. You knew this was not really the case and you also knew you would have to continue running for another 15 minutes before you got to the next watering hole! Would you barge through and take water, plead with them until they let you, or accept what they say and move on? (I won't attempt to answer that!)

Jesus wanted to make sure the disciples understood they were not above anyone else. They could not impose themselves on anyone just because they were His disciples. They had to make sure they were welcome before finding a place to stay. They had to make sure they did things the right way! If they had done it any other way, they would have given themselves a dubious name which would have been hard to live with as a child of God!

Points to Ponder:
What sort of people upset you in life?

What do you do to show them that you are a good Christian?


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