Reading your Bible for today May 15

May 15: Genesis 11:1-9

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 11:4
4 And they said , Go to , let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

What sort of things spurn you on in this life to do bigger and better things than you have done before? What goals do you set in order to try and get the most out of your way forward? I guess I try to make sure things happen in particular ways rather than getting physical goals or achievements. Does that make me odd? I don’t think so.

God does not want us to build ourselves up to such an extent that we fall flat on our faces when the smallest thing goes wrong. He does not place things in our way so we do fall flat. He is not out to get us or to put us down. But what happens to us when we do go beyond our means or we are going toward the point in our lives when everything will fall apart? God is not going to allow you to get so far that you fall apart; rather He will try to set things in our lives which will allow us to see what we are doing is not the right path.

So why did it all go wrong for the people in Shinar? They were trying to go well beyond their means and beyond where God wanted them to be. Just like God did not want Adam and Eve to corrupt things in the Garden of Eden, so too was God trying to protect the righteous path from corruption here. We may not see it, but God does. The evil one is also waiting in the wings for us to get these silly ideas so he can urge us forward to a place where he can break down our trust in God.

Don’t give in to the ways of the world; instead try to keep God in mind and keep aiming for higher things. But whatever you do, don’t keep God out of your life while you try to do things. Aim to work with God and for God in all things in life. Aim to make sure we have purpose and give God space to work in your life too.

Points to Ponder:
Do you try hard in life?

Do you include God in your trials?


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