Reading your Bible for today May 16

May 16: Proverbs 13:22-25

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 13:23
23 Much food is in the tillage of the poor * : but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.

We don't have to watch the news for very long before we can spot the hunger and poverty that is still all around us – not just in 3rd world countries, but in the streets around us too. The needs of the few have been forgotten and they have been cast aside because of the greed of the rest. The love parents have for their children mean they are willing to set aside their own needs many a time just so their children will get to have their needs. Parents are willing to go the extra mile to ensure their kids are safe and secure.

Too many times (it seems) we hear about the greed of a few people in power that overcomes even the most ardent parent so the children are left to either fend for themselves, or worse, are left with no parents. The greed which mankind has will continue to be part of our lives for as long as Satan is allowed to walk amongst us. That is his way of breaking down the trust and faith man has in God. For those greedy people, many will go to the grave early without setting aside anything in time for their children. Others’ greed will take their riches with them (or at least they try to!).

But it's not only the evil amongst us who get it wrong. There are those who want to be able to provide, but find themselves coming up against so much governmental red tape they are forced to waste the food or supplies they have stored up. Once again, the greed of the very few has interrupted the lives of so many.

Parents who love their children will make sure they grow up knowing the values of life and of love, making sure they know the consequences of ill-conceived ideas. Parents who love Christ, will make sure their children grow up to love Him too. There is no greater inheritance that we can get from our parents than the Word of God, all else will pale into insignificance when we go to meet Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever given your last sweet or piece of food to someone in need?

Have you ever set aside your needs to be able to show Christ to someone?


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