Reading your Bible for today May 18
May 18: Philippians 4:11-14
KJV Key Verse: Philippians 4:11
11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned , in whatsoever state I am , therewith to be content.
There are so many things in our lives which we take for granted nowadays – like the computer or phone or tablet you are probably reading this on or at least the one this was printed with. We take the fact we have running water, electricity and other basic necessities as part of civilization now; though not all of us. We also take the fact that we have an education whereby we can learn all the things we have done so as a matter of course; again not everyone though.
But how many times do you stand back and thank God for everything He is supplying for you? How many times have you taken a drink of water from a tap or water fountain without thinking about how God created water for us before He created us? How many times do you thank Him for all our basic necessities in life? The more each businessman works, the more he seems to want to earn or work. The more he builds up, the more he thinks he needs more because he is not quite satisfied! The more we get caught up in our daily lives, the more we take for granted and the more we think we want to try and satisfy our own desires.
In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he shows them and us how he learned to be content with what he had. But he also shows us in these verses he learned to be content with the daily trials of life as well. Not only was he able to put up with the trials, but he was able to see how God may want him to be faced by them at any particular time. But that was the key – he found contentment when he did everything through Christ.
This gives us the encouragement we need to place a bit more trust in Christ for our provisions and also to ensure we try to follow His example. We were made in His image for a purpose – so we would be able to continue His work on earth which He has set us to do. By following His commandments and His ways, we are able to face that same contentment Paul was able to find through Christ.
Points to Ponder:
What things do you put off doing?
How many of those things would Christ have done?
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