Reading your Bible for today May 20

May 20: Psalm 63:1-6

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 63:3
3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

No matter which way we look at it, our quest for inner peace cannot even begin until we know there is peace to behold. Many people will try to look inside themselves to find that peace thinking if they work at it hard enough, they must be able to find peace somewhere. But, just like we fail to work through life to find riches, we will fail to work through life to find inner peace.

That peace is something only God can give to us. The peace which goes beyond all our understanding is something only God can allow us to understand or find. We can do what we like 'till we are blue in the face, but unless we start out on the winning side, we shall always fall short! David was a man who knew what it was like to be on the right side of God. He also knew what it was like to upset God. Just like him, we are 'only human' and have to try what we can to make sure we look to the right place to keep on track. David allowed his gaze to wonder (physically and probably spiritually at times too) and that wondering was what got him into trouble.

We do not have to be 'blinkered' like horses. We do not have to have straight-jackets on (though it may help at times). We do not have to completely cut ourselves off from the rest of the world (but it may well help if we cannot stand up). What we do have to do, though, is look in the right direction for His Awesome guidance in our lives. 

We need to look inwardly – to be able to see ourselves for what we are. As soon as we are able to admit to our faults, we will then be able to ask God to prepare us and strengthen us against those weaknesses. We need to look upwardly – He is the only one who can give us that guidance. We need to look back – to make sure we don't go there again! We need to look forward – to what God has in store for us. But we must not look sideways at all the temptations which surround us!

Points to Ponder:
What would you describe as your worst weakness?

God alone can strengthen you to overcome that weakness?


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