Reading your Bible for today May 21

May 21: Ecclesiastes 9:11-12

KJV Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 9:12
12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

Are you one of those people who just have to get things done on time? Are you one who try to get things sorted out before they start? Or are you one that sits back and waits for things to start before getting involved? Or someone who withdraws and waits until things are almost at their conclusion before starting out? We are all very different in the way we attack problems in our lives, but there is one thing for sure, we will have problems in our lives!

No matter how much we try to make sure we have everything sorted out and running in the way we think things should be done, there is always going to be an unexpected event somewhere along the line which spoils something! We can try our best to prepare for all things, only to find out that one small detail has been left out and we fail at the end. Or we can just 'have a go' at it and fail because we are unprepared. What may well hit us is what we expect least of all...

Just as a fish is not prepared to be caught by the hook or net, we are not prepared for things which we think are going to be of little consequence. If we are prepared for anything, it is going to be the things we see happen all the time. We are going to be prepared for the car which comes speeding down the road when we cross. We are going to be prepared to be shot in a game of paintball. We are going to be prepared for the school bully to attack at some stage... but what we are not going to be prepared for is those things that 'just don't happen'.

One thing we do need to make sure of is that we are prepared for the second coming. When Christ returns, we need to make sure we are ready and prepared to leave in the blink of an eye. We will get no second chance. We will not be given any warning. We do need to know that when He returns, we will be going with Him!

Points to Ponder:
How many of your friends are Christians?

When was the last time your told them about what kind of person you are?


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