Reading your Bible for today May 24

May 24 : Titus 1:15-16 

KJV Key Verse : Titus 1:16 
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. 


Devotion : 
We often read about or hear about evil people or the evil things which people do. We hear about the murderers and the thieves as well as the savage and downright evil people. Then we hear about the people who are good – well, most of the time... They are good when it counts, but always have a bit of bad baggage to carry round with them. When we hear about the good they do, we agree that they are good. But when we hear of the bad things they get up to behind the scenes, we are often put off or even change our minds about them! 

God has a simple rule – either you are innocent, or you are guilty. Simple black and white – nothing in between. If only we were able to see through His eyes when we are tempted away from the righteous path which He lays out in front of us! To those who do not believe, they see nothing wrong in bending the rules to suit themselves. They regularly step over the line to make sure they get what they desire. Their consciences are kept “clean” by allowing themselves to shake off the “bad stuff” when nobody is looking. But even when they try their best to wipe away the dirt, their minds know exactly what they have been up to. God also knows exactly what we get up to! 

Some may even profess to know God, but continue in their ways of leading two lives – one for everyone else to see, and one they really are. What would you think of a member of your family if they continually broke the rules and had you fixing things all the time? How would you feel about having to continually cover for them and their indiscretions? 

Christ paid for our sins so that we may live. He continues to cover our sins each time we are faithful enough to admit to them – isn't it about time we tried to change for Him? 

Points to Ponder : 
What do others in your family get up to that you don't like? 

What do you get up to that God doesn't like?


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