Reading your Bible for today May 25

May 25 : Mark 10:2-9 

KJV Key Verse : Mark 10:8 
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 


Devotion : 
“What! Divorce! At my age! I'm not even married yet!” May well be the sort of response that a young person would give when they listen to Jesus talking about divorce. But I want to expand on it to show just how important the subject is in our lives. We are living in an age where it is more common for couples to get divorced than it is for them to stay together (and yes, I was guilty on that part too). If you are living in a home where your parents are still together, then you will be able to appreciate just how special it is to have a family stick together. You may even look out in the world and think how bad it is that everyone is always breaking up – but what started it all? 

Moses did write a law about the possibility of being able to get divorced – but it was only because the people demanded it. It was not because God sanctioned it. There have always been people that have jumped into a relationship only to find that they have jumped before looking and don't like it when they find out where they are. It is because of those inabilities to hold back and look before leaping that have led to so much separation. Man has always been impulsive! 

God created a single partner for Adam and a single partner for Eve. He instructed them to stay together and to have children to populate the world. But note also that Jesus instructs people to leave their mother and father and cleave to their partners. Immediately that is placing relationships into an age where you can leave home. 

Have you ever been in love? You may think that you are serious about someone only to find a week later they are not serious or they have faults! How far did you let yourself get involved? How much of your soul did you allow them to see? How much of your soul was “lost” on that person? We take relationships far too lightly and allow ourselves to be beaten up to such a point where we don't mind breaking up every now and again! If we were serious about ourselves, we would scout out our ground and stick to it! 

Points to Ponder : 
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had this year? 

God has had a single relationship with you through everything – because He loves YOU!


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