Reading your Bible for today May 26

May 26: Mark 10:13-16


Key Verse: Mark 10:15

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.


How many times can you remember being told “don't speak unless you are spoken to” or “children are meant to be seen and not heard”? I have some very fond memories of such times, and even when we (my brother and I) were being told off, we knew we were still loved and would always have a place at home.

Many societies try to keep the children quiet and unseen until such a time as they think they should be heard or seen as adults. Babies are always paraded, but as soon as they start to make a noise they are hidden, only to emerge later in life! Whilst people may think they are saving society from noise and bother, they could be stealing something away from those children. I think having children mix in with society would allow them to adjust more easily and quickly.

Jesus made sure the disciples knew this the first time they tried to prevent children from flocking to see Jesus. And when they approached, He used them as a way of showing the innocence we should approach our lives with. A young child will quite easily accept an ice cream from just about anyone... so long as they know they will not get into trouble for it! They are willing to accept others for the way they are then and there because they have not grown up enough to see others for what they may have done earlier in life or to judge them because of the way they look.

Jesus knew what He was doing. He knew He would very soon lay down His life for all of our sins. He knew what lay ahead. He knows He will be able to present us to God as innocent children because of the debt He has paid for you and me! We may think some children are “little devils”, but that is only what they have learned from their surroundings. Young children do not understand evil until they come into contact with it. We should be prepared to change our lives to be as children so we can accept people for the way they want to be without any evil influences and reminders. When we get to heaven we will be accepting everything and everyone there as totally innocent because Christ has paid it all.

Points to Ponder:

How protective are you over others in your family?

Christ is our protector and can be relied upon all the time!


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