Reading your Bible for today May 27

May 27 : Psalm 103:8-14  


KJV Key Verse : Psalm 103:13 
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. 

Devotion : 
What happens when a child falls down in the playground? The first person to jump up and rush over is probably their parent! No matter what the child was up to, being hurt is not a good thing and the pity that parent has for the child extends over and above any indiscretion the child was up to. I can remember a few times when I thought I was not going to get any pity because of what I had done, and my parents still showed their love and mercy to me. 

We have a father in heaven who's pity and mercy is without end. We cannot compare His pity for us against anything we know. We cannot fathom His mercy for us – it is without end. Have you ever tried to imagine walking from the north to south pole? When you reach the south pole, you suddenly start walking north again... But if you were to walk round the equator westward, you would continue walking westward forever. 

Without the love and care we have in our families, we would not know of the love and care we can find in Christ. The family unit is the place where we start to learn about love and care. From there we can learn about who in life will love and care for us and we can learn to find out just how much Christ has already done for us and how much He continues to do for us on a daily basis. 

We can actually see how much our parents do love us if we only open our eyes to see what they do for us behind the scenes. We may have to think about it because our selfish nature expects them to contribute certain things to us. But when we find out how much they do for us without us asking, we are humbled. So many times in our lives we do not ask for things from God, but expect them. We expect to be able to continue to breath, live, laugh, dance, sing... Each and every thing is given to us by a God who truly loves and cares for us – just like our parents do. We may find out just how to make our parents angry within a few seconds – but God is never tempted into anger like we are. If we are persistently bad, He will try to open our eyes to what we are doing wrong, but His love for us extends farther than we can imagine. 

Points to Ponder : 
What is the most surprising thing that you have been forgiven for? 

Christ is faithful to forgive all of our sins as long as we confess them!


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