Reading your Bible for today May 28

May 28 : Mark 10:28-31


KJV Key Verse : Mark 10:30 
30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. 

Devotion : 
How many times have you held back from doing or going that final step because you think what is being asked is just that bit too much? You draw the line somewhere and what you end being asked to do is too far beyond the line for your comfort... so you stop. It is very sensible to have a line which you should not cross, a line which defines your boundaries, a line which others will be able to recognise and depend upon. 

In a family, we like to think there are no such lines or at least they are flexible. We like to think we would be willing and able to do anything for anyone in the family so we can support one and all. We like to think we can show our love for them in whatever way they ask. But there may well come a time when what they ask is just a bit more than you can handle for them! If you go beyond your boundaries in such cases, then they will not know your boundaries any more – it all seems to be a bit of a quandary with a “no win” scenario. Standing up for what is right in those cases will always be positive and all will be able to learn from that positive step. 

When Jesus was explaining to a young man about what he should do to be saved (sell all his possessions), He was not doing it out of spite but simply to show the young man concerned he was not actually willing to give everything up for Christ! When each of the disciples were asked to leave what they were doing and follow Christ, they left everything behind. Christ wants us all to make sure we are fully dependent upon Him and Him alone. The young man wanted the safety net of his money or possessions. The disciples had put their safety nets (and their possessions) aside so they could follow Christ. 

Jesus wants us to know our rewards for depending upon Him are going to be far more than those we get from depending upon our own possessions or abilities. When we have Him as our protector in our family – what can ever go wrong! 

Points to Ponder : 
What things do you still cling to in your life? 

What burdens do you still try to carry yourself when Christ's load is light?


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