Reading your Bible for today May 5

May 5: James 2:14-17

Key Verse: James 2:17
Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

What would you think of a government who promised to deliver all manner of changes before an election, yet did not deliver anything after the election? What would you think of a company which advertised a free holiday, yet when you went to obtain it they said you had to pay for it? What would you think of a restaurant which promised the best food and served up something not fit to eat?

We can clearly see the wrong side of all of the above arguments, but there are many points in our lives which are not quite so clear cut. Maybe you have been promised you can have a free gift, but have yet to receive it. Maybe you have promised a gift to someone but are yet to deliver on it. These are not viewed as doing wrong because the outcome is not yet certain, there is still time; or at least we think there is still time.

What then happens when the time comes and passes? We must try to deliver before that time so we have not gone back on our promise. But what happens when you do not know the end time? What happens when you have given a promise but have not told of the end time? In these cases, would it not be prudent to try to fulfil the promise before the time runs out? But since you do not know when the time runs out, it must be better to fulfil the promise as soon as possible.

We know that God is in control. What we do not know is the time span of His Works. We do not know when Christ will return. The Bible even tells us people will still be working side by side when one will disappear! So if we do not know whether we have 1 second or 1 millennium, what is the best time to ensure you do things? Right Now! We may believe in God. We may know He is going to return. We may have faith. But what good is that all if we are not willing to use our belief and faith to show others Christ is real and He is returning soon? What good is it if we hide our light under covers so nobody else will be saved? Make Heaven even better by getting more people in the doors.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you withhold good things from friends?

How often do you withhold God's Word from them?


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