Reading your Bible for today May 7

May 7: Romans 11:5-6

KJV Key Verse: Romans 11:6
6 And if by grace, then is it no more  of works: otherwise grace is no more  grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more  grace: otherwise work is no more work.

If we had to do the work in order to be saved, then we would never be getting close to heaven! We have seen over the last few days how we are expected to do many things for Gods Glory. And, if like me you can always think of the things you have not done, then you know you are falling short of all the things that have to be done!

We can be happy Christ has given us hope! We can be happy He cared enough for us so that being saved is through His Grace and not through our works. The people of Israel found out just how hard it really was to try and live up to God's expectations. Their history is recorded in the Bible so we will know just how hard it can be. God's Word records all of that history so we can know it is a hopeless task to try and work our way to heaven!

But through Christ's Grace and Mercy, He paid the ultimate price for our sins so we would still be able to get to heaven – so long as we put our faith and trust in Him and Him alone. He wanted to pay that price because of His love for us. He wanted us to be able to be with Him in the best possible place! But what of the works? Well, all the work is still there to be done, and if we turn our backs on it, then it will not get done! Christ alone is the one who has made it possible for us to be with Him in heaven after we die.

What happens when you are asked to do something by a friend? Do you do it right away, or do you put it off until they seem to forget about it and then sweep it under the carpet? What happens when, one day, they remind you of that task they had asked you to do? How do you feel about it then? Christ has made it possible for us to join Him in heaven. That means we are going to face Him! What things are you going to remember when you come face to face with Him?

Points to Ponder:
How willing are you to help your friends out with things?

How willing are you to tell your friends about God?


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