Reading your Bible for today May 9

May 9: Proverbs 13:21 

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 13:21
21 Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed .

When it comes down to it, sinners have got a tough life on earth. Not only do they have to put up with evil pursuing them wherever they go, but they also have to watch out for the wrath of God. So if you think you have a tough life as a Christian, think of what the unrepentant sinner must be going through – or will go through!

It may not be immediately apparent to either the sinner or to us, but they do have a big problem. As Christians we are assured that Christ has paid for our sins and we do not have any more to worry about from debts because of sin. The sinner on the other hand has a huge weight to carry around with them all the time. That weight is getting heavier by the minute and destroying them from the inside – we need to switch on the lights for them so they can see the heavy burden they have on their backs.

They may think they have the ability to flee their burdens and to run away from their lives – but all too soon, evil catches up and consumes them again. They may think they can run away from the punishment which awaits them at the end of their lives – but God is just to deliver His promises to all. They may think they have “made it” here on earth with all the property and goods they have, but that can only add to the burden which they have. All the wealth they build up here will only help to weigh them down so they find it more difficult to break free from it.

On the other side of the coin we are the righteous; the people who have put their faith and trust in the God who has been patiently waiting for all of us. No longer do we have the “guilty” verdict hanging over our heads. No longer do we have the worry about what will happen when we die (other than earthly death and taxes). No longer to we have the wrath of God waiting for us. And to top it all, God will listen to all of our prayers and will keep us from evil. But it is not the treasures on earth we are aiming for, but the treasure which awaits us in heaven. We may still suffer on earth – but what we will gain in heaven far outweighs anything we will ever encounter!

Points to Ponder:
What do (or did) you fear most in life?

Have you ever tried to imagine a life without any fear whatsoever?


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