Bible Study for today

1 Chronicles 3:1–4:43Psalm 76:7-12Proverbs 19:8-9Acts 4:23-37


1 Chronicles 3:1 David. The chief reason for such detailed genealogies is that they affirm the line of Christ from Adam (Luke 3:38) through Abraham and David (Matt. 1:1), thus emphasizing the kingdom intentions of God in Christ.

Psalm 76:10 wrath of man shall praise You. The railings against God and His people are turned into praise to God when God providentially brings the wicked down (Is. 36:4–20; Acts 2:23; Rom. 8:28).

Psalm 76:12 cut off the spirit of princes. God shatters the attitude of proud governmental leaders who rebel against Him.

Acts 4:24–30 Peter and John’s experience did not frighten or discourage the other disciples, but exhilarated them. They took confidence in God’s sovereign control of all events, even their sufferings. Furthermore, they were comforted that the opposition whom they were facing was foreseen in the Old Testament (vv. 25, 26).

Acts 4:32–35 all things in common. Believers understood that all they had belonged to God; and therefore, when a brother or sister had a need, those who could meet it were obligated to do so (James 2:15, 16; 1 John 3:17). The method was to give the money to the apostles who would distribute it (vv. 35, 37).

Acts 4:33 great grace. This means favor and carries a twofold meaning here: 1) favor from the people outside the church. Because of the believers’ love and unity, the common people were impressed (2:47); and 2) favor from God who was granting blessing.

Acts 4:36 Barnabas…a Levite.Luke introduces Barnabas as a role model from among those who donated property proceeds. Barnabas was a member of the priestly tribe of the Levites and a native of the island of Cyprus. He becomes an associate of Paul and a prominent figure later in the book (9:26, 27; 11:22–24, 30; chaps. 13–15). Cyprus. The third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia, located some 60 miles west off the Syrian coast.

DAY 20: List the major sermons in Acts.




Peter to crowds at Pentecost

Peter’s explanation of the meaning of Pentecost

Acts 2:14–40

Peter to crowds at the temple

The Jewish people should repent

Acts 3:12–26

Peter to the Sanhedrin

Testimony that a helpless man was healed

Acts 4:5–12

Stephen to the Sanhedrin

Stephen accuses the Jews of killing the Messiah

Acts 7:2–53

Peter to Gentiles

Gentiles can be saved in the same manner as Jews

Acts 10:28–47

Peter to church at Jerusalem

A defense of Peter’s ministry to the Gentiles

Acts 11:4–18

Paul to synagogue at Antioch

Jesus was the Messiah of Old Testament prophecies

Acts 13:16–41

Peter to Jerusalem Council

Salvation by grace available to all

Acts 15:7–11

James to Jerusalem Council

Gentile converts do not require circumcision

Acts 15:13–21

Paul to Ephesian elders

Remain faithful in spite of persecution

Acts 20:17–35

Paul to crowd at Jerusalem

Paul’s conversion and mission to the Gentiles

Acts 22:1–21

Paul to Sanhedrin

Paul’s defense of the gospel

Acts 23:1–6

Paul to King Agrippa

Paul’s conversion and zeal for the gospel

Acts 26:2–23

Paul to Jewish leaders at Rome

Paul’s statement about his Jewish heritage

Acts 2


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