Reading your Bible for today June19

June 19: Mark 13:6-10

KJV Key Verse: Mark 13:10
10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

One of the most important times on earth is regularly swept under the carpet. Why? Because people do not want to think of it yet because they don't want it to happen. Or maybe they don't believe it will happen; or they have given up waiting.

Our Gospel gives us many warnings and descriptions about how and when we are going to get to the end of this world. Scientists will come up with all sorts of amazing stories about how things have been going to millions upon millions of years and there will not be any change any time soon. Naturalists will tell of the imminent fate of the world due to global warming. Christians should be preaching about how God describes the end times; not to get on the band wagon but because we believe it is true!

Jesus gives us a good description in these few verses. Wars and rumours of wars will abound. We see wars in many places, we have seen world wars, and we see a global war against terrorism. What wars was Jesus was taking about? We cannot specifically tell. But we know things will only get worse – but He give us comfort saying “Be ye not troubled”. Don't worry, it's all in the plan. He warns about earthquakes and famines. We see plenty of that on the news now. When an earthquake happens, it is broadcast round the word for all to hear about. They may be happening more than usual, or it may be that we are reporting things more than usual. But these are all in the plan. Warnings to all that we are facing the truth and we should be prepared for that truth!

Some of us may well be blamed for things just because we are Christians. Some of us may well face our accusers. Will we be strong enough to admit we are Christians, or will be fade like Peter did in His time of testing? One thing remains certain – The Gospel is being published in almost every nation so far. There are few languages that it is not being published in. Nobody will be able to say that “they did not know.”

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you used the excuse “I forgot” or “I didn't know”?

Christ can see though our excuses better than any teacher or parent!


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