Reading your Bible for today June 10
June 10: Acts 20:7
KJV Key Verse: Acts 20:7
7 And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
What do you expect when you go to church? Do you expect the preacher to preach a nice short 10-minute sermon that will make you feel good for another week? Do you expect various people to sing great songs to you so you can enjoy the meeting? Do you expect to be able to sing great songs which make you feel good? Or do you go to church without expectations?
We are all guilty of at least one of the above at some time in our lives! We go to church and maybe we want the sermon to finish early so that we can enjoy the rest of the sunny day. Or maybe we are feeling down and we need to sing a few good songs so that we can feel good again. Or maybe we just have to go there to see which other people are not doing too well so that we can all be sad together.
But how many times have we been to church to go and give everything back to God? How many times have we been to church to dedicate our lives to His service? How many times have we been to church to get closer to God? Matthew 18:20 says “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
I know these words were spoken as a reminder that where people are gathered together to uphold the law, He will be there with them; but we can also be encouraged by these words to know He is always with us. We can remember that when we do gather in His name, whether it is to uphold His law or to encourage others or to receive encouragement, Christ has given us the freedom to be able to worship Him when we please. He has given us the freedom to be able to worship Him all the time in the hopes we will recognise it for the gift that it is and receive it with open arms. His love for us does not know any limits. His love for us does not stop when the sun goes down on the Sabbath. His love for us does not end when we walk out of the church doors after the service!
Points to Ponder:
Are all your friends 100% faithful even when you are not with them?
Christ is and always will be faithful to His Word!
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