Reading your Bible for today June 11

June 11: Romans 8:1-9 

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:2
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

The only thing which can set us free from our sins is walking with Christ, believing on Him and asking His personal forgiveness for our own sins. God wants us to be with Him in heaven, and the only way we can do that is if we are cleaned from our sins. The only way we can be cleaned is by having Christ wash them away (He who knew no sin).

If we continue to try to follow the laws and the rules as laid down in the old testament, we will very quickly learn just how hard it is to keep those laws. We will very quickly realise we are useless at trying to keep them and our flesh is weak and useless at standing up to the temptations which surround us all the time. So if we are to stand up to anything, we will have to make sure we have the right people at our sides.

First up, Christ. Without Him, we have no forgiveness. Without Him, we have no chance at getting to heaven. Without Him, we will never be able to pay for our sins other than by death (kind of permanent though). Next up, The Holy Spirit. Without Him, we would be totally lost. We may well have a book of instructions, but without the Holy Spirit we would not be able to understand it, never mind having someone guide us through it! Next up, God. Without Him, earth would not be here – plain and simple. We need God in our lives (in all three parts) so we can live our lives. By trying to go it alone we are doing nothing more than trying to say we are as good as our creator and that we can go it alone! By saying that, we are reducing ourselves to the same level as Satan; only lower because we are not angels!

As soon as we start to walk with God in mind, we can start to understand just how much He has done for us personally. As soon as we can start to understand just how much He has done for us, we can start to know how much He loves us. From that comes trust and obedience. From that comes strength and unity.

Points to Ponder:
Would you trust a friend to save you from a den of lions?

There is nothing our God cannot do!


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