Reading your Bible for today June 12

June 12: Hebrews 3:12-13

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 3:12
12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

Have you ever met someone who people say “has the gift”? Maybe they can play a sport better than anyone, or play an instrument better; and they just seem to be able to do it without the need for a special coach or lessons. The more they do it, the better they get at it, but that initial learning did come from somewhere else...

God has been giving people special talents from the beginning of time. He has set aside some people who are able to do things others would simply dream of being able to do. He has given each one of us something special to be able to do. Some of us may not understand what He has given us, or worse still, we may be jealous of the special gifts which others have, thinking our gift is nothing special at all! Some of the greatest “brains” which have been with us have sometimes expressed the desire to be able to be normal people. Some of them have expressed a sincere desire to be able to understand people instead of having their special gift. The gift of being able to simply listen to others is one which is overlooked all the time.

Each one of us has been given a gift which in some way will complement other gifts within other people. Each one of us has the choice of whether we are going to make the most of our gift which God has given to us, or whether we are going to waste it by ignoring it and pursuing something else which we are going to struggle with for the rest of our lives! The more we use the gifts given to us by God, the more we will grow in that very wisdom or skill which God has given to us.

The more we try to go our own way, the more we are turning our backs on the wisdom or skill God is trying to teach us! The more we do that, the less effective we will be in what God would like us to do. I have seen “successful” businessmen turn to earthly pleasures in order to try and find happiness they cannot seem to find even after they have done all they can in their businesses. If we are to succeed, we need to follow sound instruction!

Points to Ponder:
What do your friends think you are best at?

Are you doing your best with what God has given you?


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