Reading your Bible for today June 13

June 13: Proverbs 14:8-10

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:10
10 The heart knoweth his ownbitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.

How many times have you been in a position where you are quite sure nobody else understands you? They don't understand why you do things, and they certainly do not understand how you do things! When we find something we really enjoy, we continue to seek it out and refine it to such a manner where we think it is close to perfect. It is often at that stage others do not see things as we do – unless we are willing to sit down and explain our point of view.

As a Christian, we will often feel that way. We will be quite sure others simply do not understand how we feel about God. We know they think we are weird because of the way they treat us, but that is most often through ignorance rather than through anything else. When we chose to find out the truth, that is exactly what we looked for. We searched both within ourselves and without to find out what we now know is the truth. Others around us may not want to go there because they do not see the truth, or worse, they do not see the need to seek out that truth.

They may well be looking at the things we do and talk about through blurred or obstructed vision! Oh how easy it is to deceive someone through a simple trick... but give that person an intimate view of your trick and they will spot the truth. It is only a fool who will continue to try to deceive others after the truth has been let out of the bag (ever wondered why a magician will never tell you exactly how they do their tricks).

On the other side of the coin, it is us who continue to hide our burdens from others. It is us who hide our own problems. We are the only ones who will ever get to know our innermost problems whilst we continue to hide them. That is what will work on our souls, weighing them down like a ball and chain. But if we are willing to allow God to help us with those burdens, our lives will become a whole lot better. When we seek out the truth, we find His joy; not just ours. If we hide His joy, others will not be willing to try to seek out that same truth for themselves.

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are the odd one out?

God always sees us for what we are!


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