Reading your Bible for today June 15

June 15: Psalm 90:12

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 90:12
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Did you know, almost 8,000 days of your life would have passed you by by the time you have finished school and university. And only about one tenth of that time is actually spent at a learning institution! And only one hundredth of that time would be spent in church – even if you went twice a week from when you were born! We can read about the amazing lives people had before the flood, where people would reach hundreds of years of age. That may sound scary to us now because of the way we age so quickly, but in those days it would have been very different; imagine being 100 years old and still being in the prime of your life!

Whilst all of this may well seem a long way off if you are only half way through school or it may start you thinking about what you are doing with your life. We have a very “happy go lucky” attitude with our lives when we are young, thinking nothing can touch us and we don’t tend to think about growing old – well, not in our life time! But as you start to grow older, things start to change (especially our bodies) and we start to realise we are in fact mortal! It is at this stage we start to think about what we are doing with our lives, and we start to think what we would like to do with our lives.

Before we leave school or university, we may well have an idea of what we would like to do for the rest of our lives, but more often than not we have things we like and dislike and simply use them to steer our immediate future; we don’t have much of an idea about our future. The government then starts to get worried because people live longer and they cannot afford to keep people; many people have believed the government will be able to take care of them in their old age, but their promises turn out to be a bit hollow!

If we are bold enough to seek out the proper wisdom when we are young, we can then be assured of our future no matter how long or short it will be. That wisdom can only come from God.

Points to Ponder:
How old were you before you realised that petrol was not actually stored inside the petrol pump?

Do you know what God has promised for your life?


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