Reading your Bible for today June 16

June 16: Psalm 111:10

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 111:10
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. 

One of the things which scares me as a Christian is the willingness for so many to ignore God's Word. Can you imagine what would happen to people if they ignored warnings on bottles? They would be drinking poisons and all sorts of strange things. When people ignore warnings, they have to pay for the consequences. God's warnings have been written for many many years and people continue to ignore them because the consequences are not perceived to have happened or to happen in this lifetime.

Just like the warning about smoking causing cancer; people continue to ignore it because they have seen others do it and because they have not seen any immediate effect. But given a lifetime, they soon realise things are not what they should be and they don't like the consequences!

Have you watched the movie “Revelation”? Satan gives people an ultimatum at the end: 'Believe in me now or die now'. If God gave that sort of ultimatum, people would turn round and say they believed even if they did not! But what God does is to give each one of us a choice as to what we want to do. When we start to understand just what God is and what He has done for us, then we begin to understand His awesome power and we revere that power. That is the beginning of our fear of the Lord. That is the beginning of our understanding or wisdom.

Why is it so hard for others to understand why we fear the Lord? Because they do not have a simple understanding about His power. They do not understand what He has done or what the consequences will be. Just like we do with other things in our lives, we continue to ignore the warning signs and we continue to live as if there is nothing to fear. Too many people are going to not like the consequences...

Points to Ponder:
What things have you found out after ignoring warning labels?

Christ has given us thousands of years of warnings so far...


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