Reading your Bible for today June 17

June 17: Jeremiah 8:8-9

KJV Key Verse: Jeremiah 8:9
9 The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them?

There are many people who will insist they are wise. They will be able to prove many scientific things, or do complex mathematical computations or even talk many different languages. But what good is all of this if they are not able to discern the Word of God?

If you have an instruction manual for an appliance, do you not use it when you get confused about the workings of that appliance? Do you not try to understand more about the appliance so you can get it to work the way it was designed to work? You could try plug away at it every way you can think of, but there is a high likelihood you will break it before too long! That is why appliances come with manuals!

God has made sure throughout history His Word has been faithfully transcribed from generation to generation. He has made sure there are people who faithfully document His Word. He has made sure the truth has always been made available; never more so than today where the Bible continues to be the bestselling book of all time.

But what use is it if it is not going to be read? Moreover, what use is it if it is not going to be understood? If we are willing to accept God as our Salvation, as our Protector and as our Guide, then we will certainly gain access to His wisdom through reading His Word. He will make sure we are able to understand His Word so we can apply it. What use is all of this going to be if we are not going to first apply it in our lives, and then try to explain it to others? How are others going to gain an interest in the subject and turn to God if they do not have the slightest knowledge of Him? This is why Jeremiah contains words like this. To show that we are not alone in lacking in communicating God’s Word. God’s word may well be among people who live with or close by you, but how many of them are actually showing they are Christians? How many are showing they love God? Are you?

Points to Ponder:
Are you embarrassed to be with some people?

Do you think God would be embarrassed to be with you?


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