Reading your Bible for today June 18

June 18: Jeremiah 51:15-17

KJV Key Verse: Jeremiah 51:17
17 Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.

“I know how to do this, let me do it…” “No, I have done it before, so I know more than you…” And the argument continues about who knows more! I bet we have all been in an argument where we claim to know more than others. Or worse, we start to exaggerate as we tell our story, saying we know more than we actually do or have done much more than we have done! All too often we get to do something because we have said we can do it and we find out that we can't do it, or it takes 10 times as long as we said it would!

We all really do like to think we know it all! But when we start to change things to our way of thinking because we think we know better, things start to go away from the truth. We think we know how to do something and we change the way everyone is working because we just need to prove to everyone that we are clever! We have a desire to “out-prove” others so we come close to being top of the stack!

We have even seen scientists try to pull the wool over the whole world by saying they can do things nobody else can do. They even do experiments to help support their theory. But when they are faced with proving the truth in a way which is valid, they fall down. When the Bible describes us as being “brutish” or “dull-hearted” by our knowledge, it is trying to show us we do go too far in puffing ourselves up to more than we ought to. Be it the innocent “my dad's better than yours” or “I'm better than you”, we all do get quite brutal with our words. Our need to be better takes over and covers the truth until it is uncovered later (for that it will be!).

There is only one Creator. There is only one God. His power is Awesome. The whole world listens to Him, yet the people in this world choose to ignore Him. His wisdom is untouchable, yet we choose to try and elevate ourselves to His level. How long would it take you to draw a leaf which looked as good as a close up photograph? God made that tree by speaking…

Points to Ponder:
How often do you judge others by comparing them to yourself?

There is only one Judge. He who has made us...


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