Reading your Bible for today June 2

June 2: Micah 7:5-7

KJV Key Verse: Micah 7:6
6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house.

How many times have you lied to the people in your family? How many times have you told someone a lie just so you can more forward? To be brutally honest we do have many times in our lives where we get it all wrong! The thing is, we continue to mess up with people close to us or in our families just because we cannot see what to do next.

God is not blinded by the things we do, nor by the things we get wrong. God continues to give us every opportunity to set the ball rolling again and to lift up our lives toward Him. Putting your trust in a friend may seem like the safest option to do when we are in the midst of fighting; but they may well be the ones who let us down first when push comes to shove just because they cannot cope.

It is not going to be the things we are always on the lookout for which will trip us up. It is probably going to be the times when we are fully trusting somebody else, even our friends or family. God continues to lift us up out of the mire and continues to keep us secure even when others tell us they know more; if only we will let Him! Satan thought He would know more until he was confronted by God.

It does not take too many times of allowing God to lift up our plans before we actually see how much He does for us in our lives. We need to continue to trust in God as He works with us and for us so we are ready to get back into life. God is not going to get things wrong; but we may well fill our lives with so much junk it looks like He has left us alone. Do not despair.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you trust most?

Are you going to trust God more?


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