Reading your Bible for today June 20

June 20: Proverbs 14:11-12

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:11
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.

It's funny how we always do think that we know best. Even at work and play we choose to believe our way, not matter how wrong it turns out, is actually correct. It is only when we get confronted by the truth we do realise we were wrong – but far too many times we continue to force our own way just to make it look like we still know what we are doing!

Have you ever tried to find a newspaper or TV channel which will just print or show the stuff you are interested in and nothing else? We can't. No matter how much we wish for it we will only ever get to see things suitable for a wider audience. Even the news is changed so it is more entertainment than newsworthy nowadays; they have got to make themselves look better and more fun than the other channels to try and encourage people to watch their adverts!

What am I getting at? We cover the truth. We hide the reality. We gloss over the problems. We highlight the entertainment. We are basically giving in to the entertainment needs of others rather than uplifting the truth for what it is. We continue to seek to show what we think we should be showing. We continue to seek out enjoyment the way we think we need to see it. We have given up trying to seek out the truth!

God has tried to use wise men such as King Solomon to give us the teachings and the warnings about the way we live and work. He has given plenty warnings, plenty time and poured out His love to try and encourage us. We are the ones who continue to ignore those truths and seek out our own enjoyment. But when we do see the truth, we need to give up our earthly ways to embrace and enjoy that truth. Our own found “truths” will only last as long as they do on earth. God's truth continues to last forever! Our ways will die with this earth. His ways will continue on beyond and forever (which is a pretty long time!)

Points to Ponder:
Which earthly truths do you seek?

Are you depending on God for the truth?


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