Reading your Bible for today June 21

June 21: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5

KJV Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:2
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

Many have and continue to try and predict the end of the world. Many sects are based on the destruction of the world through some disaster or major event to frighten people into thinking the end is nigh. In truth, we do not know and we shall not know until that instant when we are taken up to be with Jesus. No thief in his right mind would send you a letter of intent, nor would he send you a reminder a few days before it happens to make sure you leave all your doors and windows open! When Christ Himself was talking to the Apostles before His death, He told them He did not even know when that day would be whilst He was as a human being. But when He went back to join with His Father, He knew.

To prevent thieves from breaking in, we do try to make sure we do have all the doors and windows locked or unreachable. We do try to keep our homes secure. We do take care of our physical livelihood... So why are we so willing to forget about our spiritual livelihood? Why do we continue to leave ourselves open to all sorts of abuse from evil? Why do we not make sure we are continually prepared?

It is that “comfort” zone we live in. We tend to let our guard down whilst we continue to live in a zone in which we have had no problems. We maybe leave a window open now and again. We maybe leave the door unlocked whilst we nip next door for a chat. And it is at those times when a thief would strike to take the best advantage of the situation. Satan is not going to try to persuade us whilst we are resting in Christ's arms. He is not going to be silly enough to think He can win in a no-win situation; but he certainly will take advantage of any chink in our armour!

One thing is for sure; nobody will be able to escape Christ's second coming. Not through death or ignorance. Not through pleadings of innocence. Christ has made sure we do have His Word. He has made sure we have had all the warnings. He has made sure we have been prepared – Or at least the steps of preparation are all there in front of us to take, should we dare to!

Points to Ponder:
Would you be ready for someone trying to break into your home?

Are you ready for when Christ will return?


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