Reading your Bible for today June 23

June 23: Romans 7:7

Key Verse: Romans 7:7
What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless the law had said, “You shall not covet.”

How do the people you know treat the Bible? Do they look at it as something which should be taken with them to all places where Christians meet? Do they read it all the time? Do they trust in its words? Or do they have one in their drawer ... still unread! And how do you treat your Bible?

God has made sure His Word continues to be with us. He has made sure it continues to survive, even when we do not do our best to keep it going. No matter how much we fail, God will continue to surprise you with what He does. For Him to make sure His Word has survived for as long as mankind has been around – don't you think that He is being serious about it! If you wanted someone to have something, you would probably make sure they get it, and they keep it. God has been doing that for a long time now! He has made sure His Word is skilfully kept. That the truth is still portrayed. That man continues to have it close to hand. It has even been translated into almost every language! It has all been done for a reason...

God knows we do not listen to everything He says or notice everything He does; so He has given us His Word so we can remember or reference it when we need it. He has given us a perfect set of instructions by which to live, even in a world which is falling apart! If we buried our heads in the sand (as many do) we would think the world was OK. It is only when we read what God wants us to do that we realise how bad things are around us. Without His Word, we would not know anything was wrong. Without that cornerstone, we would not know anything had existed – the world has all but forgotten Him (or so it seems sometimes).

Believing what is in God's Word is a simple step after understanding what it is. Understanding only comes through hearing or reading (Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.)

Points to Ponder:
Do you keep instruction manuals in case anything goes wrong?

Do you read your Bible to help understand your life?


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