Reading your Bible for today June 25

June 25: Matthew 7:13-14

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 7:14
14 Becausestrait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

How many times have you thought about how other people should treat you, or how you should treat other people. We tend to do this sort of comparison each time things go wrong. Maybe we get upset with someone because of the things they have done to us and we wish they would treat us differently. Or maybe we look back at the way we have treated someone and think “why can't they treat us like we treat them?”

We seem to have a double standard by which we live. Our ways of treating others do not always agree with the way which they treat us. But as soon as we get treated the wrong way, then we react! That must have been so frustrating for Jesus to see, people doing one thing and saying another, or doing and saying different things according to whom they we talking. One thing we can count on is how Christ will never change the way He does things!

He warns us there will be so many times when we will be tempted away from the things we should be doing. He warns us it will seem so much easier to go down the route of ease and temptation. He warns us we must be consistent... And yet we still choose to waver each step of our way. His consistency should be a goal we should be aiming for. His consistency should be what we should seek. Our ways of chopping and changing should be left behind so we can get on with our lives.

God wants us to be good stewards of His Word; which mean showing people the gospel without vain babblings. He wants us to be consistent in keeping His Word. He wants us to be consistent is showing others we are keeping His Word. He wants us to be consistent in the way we treat Him. He wants us to be consistent in the way we treat others. If we are able to step forward in the right direction, with Him by our sides, then we will see how He would want us to treat others.

Points to Ponder:
Do you get upset with the way others treat you?

How do you treat God in your life?


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